Barium Power Generator

As appeared in Season 5 Upin Ipin Series - Metromillinium, there's a top-like generator is used by Lisa, a young scientist girl, named Barium Power Generator (BPG) to produce 100 times more energy than the current invention to provide the power to Lisa's Robot who fight against Metrobot.
(Property of Lescopaque Production)

when i designed this BPG, i have to make sure it doesn't look super sophisticated, because this is a kid show. You have to make it simple and cute, yet the children can understand what it is about. 

Here's the explode model of BPG. Very simple, no complicated mechanical. 

Gif image below shows how it spins in the scene. 

Normally i'll use Blinn or Ramp-Shader to get metal-ish material, but depends on the shot/scene. For a close-up shot, i need to use mia_material to get more realistic looking. 
Give some glow effects, and the output is super nice!. 


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